Dimond Park Sausal Creek Trail is a little-known trail running alongside Park Blvd in the Dimond Canyon. It starts in Dimond Park and goes alongside the creek for a little while under the Liemert Bridge and onto the Montclair Golf Course. It’s a rather short trail as you can see from this map. The Sausal […]
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Best Sunset Views Oakland Hills San Francisco Skyline
When it comes to finding the best views in Oakland and the East Bay, I do have an advantage over others. Here are a few of my favorite views with the exact locations and photos I have taken from these views in the East Bay and Oakland. Growing up in Oakland and having awesome parents […]

Secret Morcom Rose Garden Off Grand Ave
Somehow very few people know of Oakland’s Secret Rose Garden hidden in a residential neighborhood off of Grand Avenue on Jean Street. Morcom Rose Garden, also known as the Morcom Amphitheater of Roses is a great little secret park. If you like running the Cleavland Cascade but find it’s suddenly gotten too crowded the last […]

New Parkway Theater reopened Movie, Pizza AND Beer?
As you may have heard the Parkway Theater has reopened. I would love to say that’s true but not entirely. There is actually a new group who signed a lease at a new venue in Oakland’s Uptown District at 474 24th St. [insert] We Love You Oakland sign at the closed down Parkway Theater on […]

Graffiti Mural Art In Oakland
I’ve decided to to start a running article where I will add random photos of murals and graffiti art I have taken from around Oakland. These will all be graffiti paintings, murals and other Oakland ART mostly taken with my cellphone, so don’t expect too much and feel free to email me photos you’d like […]

Best Place To Adopt A Cat In Oakland
Where is the best place to adopt a cat in Oakland? Well you would think the answer is easy, but these days there are several options and you want to make sure you choose the right place. I mean, any place will do but it would be nice to put your money / time or […]

Lake Merritt of Oakland Everything You Didn’t Know
Ahhh Lake Merritt, the lake of a thousand smells. I’ve heard a lot of rumors regarding Oakland’s Lake Merritt and it’s origins. So I decided to write this article about the history and facts of Lake Merritt. I hope this article helps spread some proper and informative information for all. Please share with fellow Oaklander’s. […]

Best Dispensary in Oakland – Full Dispensaries List
Back when we started tracking active Oakland Cannabis Clubs, the city only permitted 8. They were all pretty quality and well-managed. It was an ample amount of retail front spread out evenly. Now, a lot has changed. That number has doubled to 16 operating permitted dispensaries with 10 more approved and not opened yet. The […]

The Oakland Landmark Debate
Oakland Landmarks What landmark do you think most represents Oakland? What one is greatest to you? I’m honestly not sure but do have a few favorites. Port of Oakland cranes, Lake Merritt and The Tribune Building. I wanna hear your opinion. Drop a comment below or mention something that isn’t on this poll. Oakland Landmarks […]

BART Sucks -10 Reasons You Hate It
You can check current BART delays here and on the BART Twitter. B.A.R.T. stands for Bay Area Rapid Transit, in case you did not know. While writing this article I realized I am way more upset at BART than I knew so I’ll start there. As someone who rides BART every day Monday through Friday, […]

Recover Stolen Bike Bay Area
What To Do If Your Bike Is Stolen If you do get your bike stolen from you then you could start with this list. 1) File A Police Report – The first thing many people forget to do is to file a police report. Most people forget this simple step and the truth is the […]

Oakland Photos For Sale
Beautiful Oakland photographs for sale by local artist born and raised in Oakland. A photographer by hobby, Oaklander by heart and blood. Here is my collection. High Quality Oakland Photos Metallic Prints Multiple sizes, 8×10 and 11×14 prints. If you would like a larger or custom size please contact me and we can work something […]

Oakland Is Proud Mural
Back when I was a kid there was an awesome mural on East 12th pretty near the McDonald’s and where the Old Montgomery Ward Building was located. It read “Oakland Is proud”. And it has stuck with me ever since. I’ve located it to share with you. Photo by dem_bonez Flickr. And since I mentioned […]

Oakland and San Francisco Skyline Photo
Click the images to view full size. Oakland San Francisco Bay Area Panoramic Photo This panoramic photo was taken by me from the Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland at the end of Piedmont Ave. You can go in the graveyard and continue up the mountain to the top. Once at the top of the hill […]

Long Distance Moving Companies In Oakland – Don’t Move To Oakland
As someone who was born and raised in Oakland and finally just moved out at the age of 35, I can say that you do not really want to move to Oakland. Trust me. Oakland has gone from a bleak economical black hole to a pricey destination hot spot over the last decade, but that […]

Yosemite Day Trip From The Bay Area
Bay Area to Yosemite, a day trip. What most locals don’t realize is that you can drive to Yosemite and back in a single day from the Bay Area. We are pretty lucky when you think about it. This means you can get the Yosemite Valley experience on a random Saturday or Sunday without camping. […]

Oakland Cranes Shirt!
Buy Now The famous East Bay Port of Oakland Cranes! Why? Because Oakland is Proud! These are Bay Area Landmarks with the whole Star Wars AT-AT rumor and all. These port shipping cranes move so many tons of goods through our system daily! The Town Crane Shirt The shirt comes in all different sizes and […]

Lake Merritt – The Racial Battle On Newcomers
Lake Merritt has become a battleground for newcomers against newcomers. Most of these people mad at “newcomers” are also newcomers themselves! Yet they pretend to have more right to takeover Oakland if they are not white. They clearly do not understand the way of the lake and how it used to be, yet need to […]
Top 25 Tallest Buildings in Oakland, #1 The Ordway Building
Here is a fully updated list of the tallest 25 buildings in Oakland. We found a lot of factually incorrect and outdated list ranking high on Google so we decided to give you the proper information. Rank Building Height Floors Year Built Site Address 1 Ordway Building 404 ft 28 1970 Site 1 Kaiser Plaza […]
Best Weather Maps – Bay Area Storm Tracker
Doppler Radar [Entire United States | Pacific Ocean] United States Satellite [West Coast | East Coast] Global Wind Speeds [Best] (Click bottom left Earth text) NEW Global Wind Speeds [Colored Map] Some new options Lightning Map [Map 1 | Map 2 | Map 3 | Map 4] Temperature Delta [Nation] Personal Weather Station (I have […]

Easy Bike Rides In Oakland
There are a few easy yet fun Oakland bike rides I myself like to go on so I thought I would share with you. These are the short sweet simple easy rides with pleasurable outcomes that do not require any kind of special bike or training however it is suggested that you wear your helmet […]

Oakland Coliseum City Facts History & Future
I guess now that the Raiders, A’s and Warriors are moving, we don’t have to worry about this ancient stadium anymore. Oakland Coliseum Facts: The Oakland Coliseum, built in 1966 is currently the 5th oldest MLB stadium and 4th oldest NFL Stadium. It houses both the Oakland A’s MLB baseball team and the Oakland Raiders […]

Bubb Rubb Invented Viral Videos
Bubb Rubb from Oakland invented Viral Videos with Whistle Tips. You may have forgotten but once upon a time, before memes and internet ADD there was Bubb Rubb, possibly the first to go viral from a news clip in the early days of Youtube. And he is from Oakland of course. The whole thing started […]

East Bay Bike Party! San Jose Bike Party! SF Bike Party!
If you are looking for information about the BIKE PARTY! You are in the right place. Chances are you saw a large group of bikers with fancy lights, sound systems, blinky things and drinks in hand rolling through your city screaming BIKE PARTY over and over. Here is all the information you need to know […]