Is there radiation in California?
The Government would like you to believe it’s not. However if you read on you’ll find the answer is it seems to already be here. You have 2 sides to this story, self proclaimed internet scientists saying no worries and self proclaimed internet scientists saying worry. Who can we trust? I claim to be neither but have gathered alarming evidence from around the web that points to a dying ocean and devastating future for all of humanity. Radiation or not.
We’ll start here.
Radioactive Elements Released
Iodine-131 life 8 days
Cesium-134 life 2 years
Cesium-137 life 30 years
Good News?
Cesium-134 has a semi short shelf life of only 2 years. This could be good but the fact that it is still being produced from the Fukushima Daiichi power plant doesn’t help. Scientists believe that up to 80% of the cesium was dropped out of the atmosphere and into the ocean by rain along the way across the Pacific Ocean.
Currently any cesium-134 in the ocean is coming from Japan as there was no other nuclear accidents in the last 2 years.
Bad News?
Cesium-137 has a long lifespan of around 30 years. That means there may be cesium-137 floating around in the upper atmosphere and oceans from Chernobyl and all of the governments nuclear test in our oceans and atmosphere in the 60’s. It could also be why we’re in a cancer epidemic.
Cesium-137 levels recorded off the coast of Japan in the Pacific Ocean were among the planets lowest measuring around 2 becquerels per cubic meter (1 becquerel/Bq equals one radioactive decay event per
second) but are now reading at 60 million becquerels per cubic meter. This is said to be high enough to cause reproductive and health effects in marine animals.
First Responders Getting Sick?
It is reported that over 71 sailors aboard the USS Ronald Reagan are now coming down with major illnesses and cancers. The first responders on the Navy ship were sailing in the waters near Fukishima and on board a ship that would take in the water, desalt and then use for daily use for the crew. SO they were pretty much showering in radioactive water. They even reported “radioactive snow” which is caused by freezing air mixing with radioactive debris. I wonder what that looks like?
This MSNBC reporter was told NOT to talk about it and even resigned from the news station after the censorship.
This is a list of all of the mass animal die offs happening around the world currently.
Starfish Die Off?
A massive Starfish die off is currently happening along the entire West Coast. The Sea Stars are experiencing something by the name of Wasting Star Syndrome which is not a new thing, however it has never been seen on this massive widespread level and scientists are not ruling out a major ecosystem change in the Pacific Ocean due to Fukishima fallout.
Bald Eagle Die Off in Utah?
Some are pointing towards radiation, some towards another bacteria by the name avian cholera that Eared Grebes have contracted and brought to Utah. But it seems the final analysis it The Western Nile Virus. Even though this is not to blame from the radiation in Japan it is frightening because nothing like this has ever been seen in Utah.
Thousands of Swallows Starve To Death in Oregon?
Recently thousands of Swallows in Oregon began to die off without explanation and in large numbers. It has been said they starved to death due to harsh weather and not being able to go out hunting insects during the storm.
Polar Bears, Walruses and Seals With Hair Loss and Sores?
It has become yet another mystery where masses of animals are experiencing similar symptoms of unknown diseases. They have patches of hair loss and open sores and are dying.
I’m not sure if this has been solved and even if it is not related to the Japan radiation the point is look at all these major losses of life so far? Radiation or not we need to do something ASAP or face mass extinction when the ocean ecosystem dies.
TONS of Sardines Washing Ashore Dead!
Sardines are some what of a blood line for the Pacific Oceans ecosystem and a major role in the food chain. In Japan over 200 tons washed up on shore, dead, bleeding and even turning the sea red. If these fish are dying from radiation poisoning that could make sense as to why the other marine mammals are coming up sick, hairless, starving and dead. This is pretty concerning.
Mass Ocean Die Off Dismissed As Sea Snot?
Fish and other mammals everywhere are not all that is dying. The entire ocean seems to be dropping off. About 24 years ago we began measuring “sea snot” which is basically the dead life at the bottom of the ocean on the ocean floor. Decay and rot of dead sea life that feeds new deep sea life. Previously it has been at about 1% covering of the sea floor but now the sea floor is 98% covered in sea snot aka dead life forms! This is bad because a lot of the earths oxygen comes from sea life, plankton and such and it is all dying.
Current Conditions?
TEPCO has been under a lot of fire for withholding information and not being very open about what’s going on. Recently there has been a lot of concern about new radioactive plumes coming out of the Tepco power plant nuclear reactor #3. TEPCO claims these radioactive plumes are just left over rain water evaporating. But for massive clouds, it seems like a little more than rain water? Most would accept this as truth if Tepco had been more transparent before but now it seems like they are trying to cover their own butts.
Another theory is the molten ball of whatever is burning through the earths core and hitting ground water causing massive poisonous evaporation clouds. I don’t know how this all works but I guess if there is a 5,000 degree ball of nuclear materials melting on the ground, it only makes sense that it would keep burning through the earth until it hit the core? Or get’s too hot and explodes underground inside the earth?
When Will The Contaminated Sea Water Get Here?
With 300 plus tons of contaminated ground water spilling into the ocean each day, people want to know when will that get here to California? Some say it could take up to 5 years and some say 3 years. Interesting, it hasn’t even hit yet according to these reports.
They are saying that because cesium-137 is denser than water most of it will fall to the bottom of the ocean and settle. This sounds good but it is still ruining the ecosystem and wreaking havoc as you can see.
I’m sure you’ve all seen the beach video showing the geiger counter and high levels of radiation on the California beaches. But they fail to tell you it is always like that. They call it naturally occurring but it goes far back to the days of blowing up countless nuclear bombs in the Pacific Ocean and the long standing effects on our ocean.
Extreme Danger?
Well it doesn’t take a rocket scientist, nuclear physicist or internet conspiracy theorist to figure out we are one natural disaster away form mass extinction. There is an abundance of spent fuel rods in each nuclear reactor and they are all sitting, waiting for the next earthquake or tsunami to cause a meltdown so catastrophic we won’t have to worry about any of this anymore.
Japan Nuclear Crisis
The distance from Japan to California is something like 5,100 miles. Exactly? I’m really not sure but the point is it’s a LONG way.
The distance from Japan to California allows for a lot of dissipation along the way and because the radioactive fallout cloud material is denser than air it falls to the ground or gets brought down by radioactive rain along the way over the Pacific Ocean. But it is still showing up on the West Coast and in California.
On it’s 5,000 mile journey it must fight major sea currents and even hang out in the Pacific Garbage Patch for a little bit, further diluting it. And more and more will likely fall to the sea floor. but say it is escaping, over the next 3 decades it will work it’s way all the way to the Indian ocean.
West Coast And California Radiation Maps
Here are a few live radiation maps you can check for a current radiation levels in California based on real time Geiger Counter stations in the US.
– Radiation USA Map
– Pick A State
So in conclusion, I think we may be doomed and it could be slow and painful for many.
If you think about it this is not the first time the West Coast has been bombarded with radiation. The US Government dropped a few nuclear bombs on Japan back in 1945 during World War II. Also our very own Gov dropped many many bombs in the Pacific Ocean and Nevada Deserts back in those days.
Now a days we have a cancer epidemic. Could this be the result?
This time lapse shows every nuclear bomb dropped over the span of 1945-1998. It’s quite sad.
Potassium Iodide Pills?
I personally am worried because there is radiation in California and San Francisco from the Fukushima, Japan disaster.
So like everyone else did(including the government recently) I hopped online and bought Potassium Iodide Supplement pills. They are also known as Iodine Supplements or Iodoral pills. Of course being curious first I read the many positive reviews and I realized that Iodine Supplements are good for your health regardless of radiation poisoning from Japan.
Serious Business. On December 6th the US Government ordered 14 million pills, shouldn’t you have some? What do they know that we don’t?
They are either getting ready for nuclear war or fallout.
Don’t Worry!!!!
You have many sites telling you not to worry and down playing the whole incident as nothing.
Some have even stated you can swim around the power plant off the coastal waters of Japan and be fine. Considering tons of radioactive ground water is pummeling the ocean front there I would discredit anything this site ever says after that.
They are also saying there is this 11MW(mega watt) ball of molten nuclear fission burning it’s way through the earths surface. Will it ever stop? What happens if it gets to the core?
Do Worry!!!!
Lethal Doses At Plant
Japan Earthquake Timeline
This video is intense! Skip ahead to 1:45 if you want to see just before the big earthquake.
Japan Radiation links.
Goverment New releases.
Reactor Watchdog Project.
Bay Area Air Quality Index.
Al says
They recently found a working brass bell encased in solid rock, that was tested for an age of 400,000 years old. Oh, the bell works. Think this mass annihilation of animals and humans to extinction, may have happen over and over and over and… think about it. We think we’re the first! I doubt it.
James Corcoran says
I looked at the radiation map for the US and it does not look like current levels are any big deal. Does anyone disagree? Why?
Vicki Takacs says
Until a year or so ago, there was a site that had all of the radiation levels here and in Japan because after the govt shut down all of the testing sites, citizens got together and made their own. I paid to belong to this site but govt shut it down. Now why would they do that you ask? Our levels were between 300 and 350 while Japan’s highest was around 425. Why can you find no info on oxygen levels here and in Japan? I think they are lower than they’ve ever been and make no mistake, Fukushima IS an ELE.
Stam Peden says
I have spent 7 (seven) years worrying, taking radiation levels around my house, staying out of the rain, writing to anyone who might listen to wake up the people. Why? Nothing has changed. No one listens. NO ONE CARES! Radiation levels on my kitchen table -12,000 CPM. Higher outside. My direction has shifted to one of survival for my family and myself. In looking at the thousands of articles informing us of the problem, shouldn’t we be concentrating on what to do? Even if our actions only help a small amount, that small amount might be another month of life. Taking liposomal Vitamin C might allow me to breathe another day. Checking our food might save your son or daughter. The problem is here. Stand up and help yourself and your loved ones. Life is short. There is no need to make it shorter.
Stam Peden
Aromas, CA
Vicki Takacs says
I am convinced we will end up suffocating and the oxygen levels are already lower in the UK so I know they must be even worse here. I too have kept on top of this as much as possible and the hiding of it only gets steadily worse. Have you never wondered that it was no accident? If it was done on purpose which I believe it was, then of course no country has helped. Supposedly Japan did something monumentally stupid back before Fukushima. They majorly helped the Palestinians with more financial help planned for the future. So Israel made that virus Stuz something or other and that is the real reason all of the backups failed. It’s just like covid shots – decimating the plebs. And they’ve been controlling the weather for many, many decades. Stay away from those shots and 5G because they interfere with your cells’ ability to absorb and carry oxygen.
Jake Star says
Like the garbage patches weren’t bad enough. Humans are the dumbest creatures, why build something like that right on the coast? And I thought radioactive isotopes lasted 10,000 years, why is everyone saying 30? The top 1% of the elite have this crazy notion that they are just gonna blast off into space and leave the rest of us to die here in their mess. Wouldn’t it be something if the ocean started glowing at night? People would probably just laugh about it. Looks like our time is very limited, make the most out of every day.
There is no god says
I think all the people on this planet should be wiped out. All we do is kill everything and lie about everything.
Ricky Smith says
It seems like every day I’m finding out about another way that we’re polluting our environment. It depresses me to read about all of the damage we’re causing – especially to our atmosphere. I’ve been doing a lot of research over the last 12 months or so, and I was probably most surprised to read that the EPA has publicly stated that the air inside of the normal home in the US is even 2-5x dirtier than the air outside. If you combine this with the reality that many adults can take in up to seventy thousand liters of air a day, it seems like a reason for worry regarding the ongoing pollution of our environment. How are we expected to stay free of illness – no matter how well we try to live and eat – if we are constantly taking in airborne particles and contaminants?
OaklandMofo says
Why is the air inside 2-5x dirtier?
Lee says
Because it is not free circulating and we have a garbage can, bathroom, moldy cheese, breathing, farting, closed habitat for bacteria and viruses. It is safer and nicer than outside. Don’t go Howard Hughes – they fail to say that inside has lots less “dirt” that really matters. Outside…? Not around Porter Ranch eh?
oh so morbidly curious says
Would growing food crops hydroponically using distilled water reduce radiation levels in our food?
Can top soil be chelated to remove/neutralize the effects of radioactive waste which has been accumulating since the 1940’s and is now getting radioactive soil ‘amendments’ from fukushima?
Charla Shamhart says
Applying ZEOLITE to the soil absorbs radiation. Some people also take it orally to help remove radiation in the body. It was used after Chernobyl to help clean the area.
Todd P says
Storms over the Pacific get their moisture from the ocean which is contaminated. Then these storms move over land and drops that contaminated rain onto the ground where plants soak it up and then the farm animals eat the plants ingesting that radiation.
—Right after Fukushima started leaking Obama shut down most if not all US West Coast radiation monitoring and the DOUBLED the safety limits of radiation to counter the rising radiation hitting the US.
–Even a few years ago Washington bought about 14 million potassium Iodine tablets and admitted it was because of Fukushima.
–Also you can see stories of the Pacific Ocean wildlife effected all over the West Coast from melting starfish, Polar Bears and seals with sores and hair loss and even people reporting graveyards of dead sea life in places on the ocean floor. There are even people report on their sailing trips to Japan from the US they once saw dolphins and whales everywhere on their trips and have hardly seen much alive on their trips a few years after the leaks started.
–Waves of radiation have been hitting the US West Coast for years and the levels ARE building higher.
–People have even went on the beaches with Geiger counters and have found spot thousands of times higher then normal.
Vicki Takacs says
Growing hemp cleans the soil.
Rob says
It’s all a big conspiracy.
United States west coast up thru Canada is getting the radioactive water from Fukushima that’s just bellowing out into the Pacific Ocean every single day and right now while you are reading this.
No one talks about it in the 2016 Presidential campaign.
It’s ignorance to the public is beyond pathetic.
Lee says
Florida is right behind Cali in cancer and aids. Hot and cold may make bacteria “super”, but radiation is how you make a super virus….. hmmmm.
K. Parish says
I hear so many stories, so much “information”, pro and con. What is the truth, the absolute truth on this radiation issue?
terry says
I see so many nuclear explosions on the west coast of California. Where were those going off? Las Vegas desert?
richard says
No surprise thyroid cancer skyrockets in California and scientists/researchers backs it up below.
Scientists from UC Berkeley detailed even more concerning reports following the disaster, finding the highest cesium content in topsoil for each California location was consistent. The recordings were posted online along with the date of finding:
Sacramento, CA Topsoil on Aug. 16, 2011: Total Cesium @ 2.737 Bq/kg
Oakland, CA Topsoil on Sept. 8, 2011: Total Cesium @ 2.55 Bq/kg
Alameda, CA Topsoil on Apr. 6, 2011: Total Cesium @ 2.52 Bq/kg
San Diego, CA Topsoil on June 29, 2011: Total Cesium @ 2.51 Bq/kg
Sonoma, CA Topsoil on Apr. 27, 2011: Total Cesium @ 2.252 Bq/kg
But the levels were nothing compared to what Marco Kaltofen, PE, of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) recorded from his research. In his report presentation, entitled ‘Radiation Exposure to the Population in Japan After the Earthquake’, Kaltofen found samples on US soil that were 108 times greater than what UC Berkley researchers were reporting.
Khanh says
USAF technical application center have been receiving your tax money since 1930. Ask them for data.
gator says
Bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. Live one day @ a time.??
Lee says
A vehicle from North Cali that was in Texas was reading hot. That was creepy. Now with the San Fernando Valley poisoned it’s coming from all directions
Vicki Takacs says
Both Russia and Germany were testing incoming ships from Japan and they found Nissan cars way too high in rads to even let them in and that was back in 2011. No testing done here. Weather and the geography of the land have enormous impacts on the amount of radiation an area will receive. Rainfall and snow also count of course. Denver was consistently high because of where it is situated and I’d say how high it is puts it near the currents or rivers of air going by up there,
Mike says
Well Chernobyl was a picnic…
And yes, radiation can have positive health effects.
But the difference concerning Fukushima is the PLUTONIUM!
This stuff is millions of times more toxic than Uranium!
A tip of a needle of that stuff makes you defecate and puke blood until you die instantly, just like the sea-creatures found bleeding with sores.
What TEPCO is pouring into the ocean is gonna kill us all sooner or later.
But no foreign help is allowed – otherwise the secret nuclear weapons program in Reactor 3 would be uncovered.
Vicki Takacs says
I disagree about positive health effects and am pretty sure this is coming out more and more. It’s affecting our oxygen levels I am sure. Don’t you find it odd that all of those incidents happened at once and in such a meticulous country like Japan? Done on purpose. Look and see who Japan was helping and backing before Fukushima.
No One Important says
I live in Portland and I have been unlucky enough to have drinking water that is unfiltered from an open air reservoir. I have also swam In the Columbia River a few times and the Hanford. I have most likely have been exposed to a hell of a lot radiation but according to medical test all of my organs are in acceptable condition. I also smoke more than anyone should and have lived around asbestos but my lungs are perfect. Did growing up in a radiation rich environment give me the ability to heal faster than you? When a doctor says a week it only takes 3 days for my shoulder to heal from a dislocation what about yours? If you are smart enough to figure out who I am I would like to see your answer.
BA says
Are you Satan? I’ve thought long and hard about it-
Shannon Malveaux says
Are you Mount St. Helen’s? The active stratovolcano located in Skamania County, Washington, in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is 96 miles south of Seattle, Washington and 50 miles northeast of Portland, Oregon. Mount St. Helen’s.
Gamblur says
Are You Bigfoot?
Vicki Takacs says
A nuclear shill.
Todd Perry says
The radiation has already hit the US West Coast and has been here for years.
The food crops and dairy cattle in California have been tested positive for radiation from Fukashima for a few years now.
When is the next plume with higher radiation levels going to hit.
Lee says
So far, enenews has kept check on all events at Fukushima and on the coast here. Check them because they say that when that building finally collapses, Tokyo becomes uninhabitable.
Vicki Takacs says
I would say it is uninhabitable now but they’re keeping a lid on it. I did happen to see a video clip of Tokyo sewer workers who were quite upset as they’ve been storing radioactive waste and are out of room. They are also untrained they said. This was on Dana’s channel which has been removed. Thank you yt you disgusting pos.
Vicki Takacs says
It was over 100 during the year following Fukushima but it was considered to now be safe because Obutthead consulted the experts and they raised the safety level from 10 to 100 which not even Japan did. Remember he said it was now in the water supply across the country, but perfectly safe?